Thursday 1 January 1970

The floor to… Wim Wenders

Wednesday 23 October, 18.45
MAXXI B.A.S.E., Graziella Lonardi Buontempo Hall – free admittance

The German director and photographer Wim Wenders will be inaugurating the series of seminars entitled The floor to…

Known for the feature-length films that have made him one of the leading lights of New German cinema, Wim Wenders has always flanked his cinematographic productions with fascinating photographic documentation.

The themes tackled in this seminar, which also features Achille Bonito Oliva and Cecilia Casorati, include physical and interior exploration, the “humanized” and urban landscape, the time that passes for all things and is frozen in an image and the relationship between film and photography. Issues that Wenders has always explored in his films and photographs.

Wim wenders, 2009. Photo by Donata Wenders

In collaboration with Incontri Internazionale d’Arte