
Spazio. From MAXXI’s collections of Art and Architecture

From MAXXI’s collections of art and architecture.
From 30 May 2010 to 23 Jenuary 2011 

Curated by: Pippo Ciorra, Alessandro D’Onofrio, Bartolomeo Pietromarchi, Gabi Scardi

Space, which is the common theme of the two souls of MAXXI and the building which hosts it, is also the leitmotiv of the first permanent collection of the two art and architecture museums.

In fact, artists have always considered space one of the essential elements of their creative research and practice. Some of them physically work with space and on space with a view to understanding and representing the reality which surrounds them, whereas some others seek a possible truth in the spaces of mind and individual or collective memory. Finally, architects, shape the space as if it were pure matter, or patiently investigate the changes and evolution of its facets: residential or urban, individual or metropolitan, rational or post-Cartesian. None of these meanings can set aside the others. There is continuity between inner and exterior maps. For artists, what exists and can be conceived turns into the space of critical voyage and possibility. Everything merges into the complex change dynamics of the world in which we live.

The architects invited to make a site specific creation for MAXXI have compared their own work with the various space concepts represented in the works of the MAXXI Art Collection, which will be replaced over time, alternating one another within the exhibition, so as to allow a richer analysis and and a more in-depth interpretation of this complex theme.

By assonance of meaning or formal association, the works exhibited are divided into four thematic areas: Natural Artificial, From the Body to the City, Maps of the Real, The Scene and the Imaginary.

List of works